Friday, September 14, 2012

Working Out! :D

So you want to look good while working out. Well, here are some cute jogging suits that I'm sure most of you would like to wear.

For those who don't like sweat suits, here are some other things you could wear:

Going Out On A Date! :]

Ok ladies! So you got asked out and you have no idea what to even wear on this fabulous occasion. Well, I'm gooing to help you out with that my loves. So, you want to impress the askee, so there is one thing that you should always remember to do; no matter what! Just be yourself and don't freak yourself out over the what if's. If you overthink things then most likely things will go wrong. So just remember that you were asked out becasue of who YOU are and not what you aren't. Here are some great ideas to look your best for your sweetheart. :)

Guess Speakers In College! :)

When in college, you'll experience alot of new things that high school didn't show you. In college there are alot of open opportunities for you to acheive what you want to do in life. The guess speakers that come in may or may not be professionals but they provide great advice for you. They let you know how their job works and what they do specifically. Plus, the more questions you ask the guess speakers, the more that they'll remember you. So, with all this being said, you must look professional yourself. You want to give a good inpression on everybody so here are some suggestions:


First Day of College! :D

Ok, so as you all know school has officially started and you want to look you very best on the first day of course. So here are some suggestions for the new school year.

For the ladies, you could wear:

For the guys, you could wear: